on Cognitive Research, Artificial Intelligence and Neuroinformatics

October 10-16, 2020
I National Congress

About Congress

in the Russian Academy of Sciences
The Congress will unite for the first time on one platform the Russian Association of Artificial Intelligence, the Interregional Association for Cognitive Studies, the Russian Neural Networks Society and the Russian Physiological Society

In 2020, the Congress will be held online because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Conferences of the Congress
All-Russian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
International Conference on Cognitive Sciences
XXII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Neuroinformatics 2020"
Conference of the Russian Physiological Society
Other activities
Reports from Industry
General reports of leading companies in the field of implementation of artificial intelligence technologies
20 plenary reports of the Congress will be done by leading Russian and foreign researchers
  • K. Anokhin
    Academician of RAS, Institute for Advanced Brain Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • W.L. Dunin-Barkowski
    Founding President of the Association of Neuroinformatics
  • S.A. Shumsky
    President of the Association of Neuroinformatics
  • M.A. Ostrovsky
    Academician of RAS
October 11-16, 2020, ONLINE
Submit report (s) in Easychair in accordance with requirements of the relevant conference:
- RCAI-2020 requirements,
- Intercognsci-2020 requirements,
- Neuroinformatics-2020 requirements,
Physio-2020 requirements

Submission deadlines are different for conferences:
RCAI-2020, Intercognsci-2020, Neuroinformatics-2020,

Access to the full set of materials of the Congress and payment of the registration fee is carried out using the Personal page
October 10 - 16, 2020
To clarify information about the congress, contact the representatives of the organizers of the conference you are interested in:

Kuznetsov Oleg Petrovich
Email: olpkuz@yandex.ru

Rusak Ivan
E-mail: ivanrezancev@gmail.com, maki.iacs@gmail.com

Beskhlebnova Galina Aleksandrovna
Phone: 8 (499) 124-80-42
Email: secretary@neuroinfo.ru

Latanov Alexander Vasilievich
Phone: +7 (495) 939-28-37
E-mail: info@neurobiology.ru, latanov@neurobiology.ru

Questions about the Congress website:
Dmitry Yudin
E-mail: yudin.da@mipt.ru
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